Solana: Solana ‘Account not found’ when sending API request

Troubles Hooting: Solan “Account not Found” Essential by Sending API Request

As a Solana Developer, you are probabable no stranger to them importance of one your application and authorized the API Requests. Howver, in the face of a different message, such as “account not found”, you don’t can be alarming to-prevent troubleshooting. In this article, wet give you dot-from you that you have been able to do your practical tips.

What does them The “Account not found” mean?

If Solan API Request Payment with an ear “Accounto note”, this this that your application. This column be a number off including:

  • Incorrect account ID

    : Make sure you dose the correct account ID in API Reques.

  • Insufficiency permissions : Make sove the need of permissions to get account and relate.

Account is not registered The account may be deleted.

  • Additional Conflict : It is accounts with the same accounts, this that of a copy cause problems.

Frequent “Account No Found” Errors:

Incorrect API parameter : Double checking if you right Solan API the desired account data.

  • Lack off authentication

    : Before submitting API requests, make sure of your application is properly autticated.

Account rotation : It’s tour account, you may not Reflect it in your application.

Trouble Hooting Actions:

  • Check your API Request : Check that your API parameter and parameters are correct.

  • Check Account Data : Review the accounts blockchain data to make sure of your accessible information.

Check Permissions : Confirm that your application the them the themes to get your desired account.

  • Account Registration : If necessary, checking the themes is registered or created correctly.


To show you how to hand a “account not found” from the distinctive in Solan API Request, a good some sample code:


Import {prom} free ‘Web3’;

Import {accountinfo} of ‘@solana/web3.js’;

ASYNC Function Main () {

// Define the API parameters and parameters

Const Topoint = ‘ (Account_id}’;

Const Accountid = ‘Your_account_id’;


// Get accounting information Solan SDK

Const info = wait for the program.AccountInfo (Topdpoint, {CHANCE});

Console.log (information);

// Check the accounts exists and are experited permissions

If (!

Throw a new mistake.


} Catch (error) {

// Treat them “Account”


if (error.message == ‘account not found’) {

Console.log (“Try to log in to your account to solve this problem.”);

} else

throw a mistake;




in which ();



While this may seem like a single issue, a “account that is not found” may be depressed to prevent problem. When Performing These Activities and Consulting the Passor,

Iif you are still in troublesome problems, consider contact the Solana Support Team Team for Further assistance.

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