Ethereum: {msg=Signature for this request is not valid., success=false} error for Binance Api withdraw and deposit request
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Binance Api Error Raises and Causes Request: Ethereum Signature Problem
As a popular binance user of the popular cryptocurrency exchange, you may have encountered an unexpected error trying to withdraw or deprive your account with Binance API. Specifically, you experience `{msg = the signature of this query is invalid., Success = false}
Usually, this error occurs when Binance API requires a signature or authentication access key to perform surgery, but it does not provide it or is incorrect. In this article, we will examine a number of common reasons why you may have this problem and provide possible solutions to solve it.
Causes of error
Before we dive into the decision, let’s briefly discuss some possible reasons for the error:
* Invalid API Key or Secret : Make sure you enter your Binance API key and secrets.
* Missing or incorrect signature : Twice check that you have included a signature on the API request, which can be obtained using a “sign” feature provided by the Crypto Library (eg Crypto.createsign (“. SHA256” ) ) with your binance account credentials as arguments.
* Inappropriate permits
: Check that you have the necessary permits from your account to withdraw or deposit funds using Binance API.
* API Normal limit exceeded : Check that the removal and deposit rate were exceeded. You can find this information in Binance API documentation.
Potential solutions
To solve{msg = this query signature, invalid., Success = false} Error, try the following:
CONST CRYPTO = Require (‘Crypto’);
CONST APikey = ‘your_binance_api_key’;
CONST APISEECRET = ‘Your_binance_api_Secret’;
CONST SIGNATURE = Crypto.createsign (‘Sha256’). Update (Apikey + ‘:’ + Apisecret) .Digest (‘Base64’);
When making these actions and potential decisions, you should be able to resolve `{msg = the signature of this query is not valid.