Ethereum: Solidity K error when I try to burn tokens in liquidity

Token burning in liquidity with strength: guide

In this article, we will enter into the world of smart contracts and investigate how to successfully implement the function that burn tokens from the existing liquidity set to Ethereum Blockchain.


Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows developers to build, implement and manage their own smart contracts. One usual case for fluid pools like Pacakeswap is the burning of token as a collateral to invest and earn them in interest. In this article we will focus on burning tokens from the existing liquidity base using a firmness, a programming language used to create smart contracts.

Project Setup

Before we start, make sure you have the following:

  • The strength translator (eg, the truffle suite)

  • Goes or editor of the strength text

  • A copy of the pancake contract (you can find it on openzeppelina or ganache)

combustion function

In order to burn the tokens from the liquidity base, we need to create a function that requires one argument: quantity (the amount of token to be burned).

Here's an example of implementation:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Burnliquitypool {contract

// Mapping tokens addresses to their states

mapping (address => nint256) public liquidity;

// Function to burn certain amounts of token from the pool

function of Burtokens (nint256 _amount) public {

demand (_amount> 0, “invalid amount of combustion”);

// Update the total balance in the pool

for (tokenaddress address in liquidity.keys ()) {) {

nint256 tokenbalance = liquidity [tokenddress];

liquidity [tokenddress] -= _amount;

EMIT TRANSPORT (Tokenaddress, address (0), _amount); // The Token Transfer event


// Update the total Saldo pool balance

for (tokenaddress address in liquidity.keys ()) {) {

nint256 tokenbalance = liquidity [tokenddress];

if (! tokenbalans) interrupts; // ignore the token without equilibrium

liquidity [tokenddress] += _amount;

EMIT TRANSPORT (Tokenaddress, address (0), _amount); // The Token Transfer event





How does work **

Here is a detailed breakdown of how function function is aburnokens’:

  • The function takes the argument of `_amount ‘, which represents the amount of tokens that are burned.

  • The function first updates the total balance of each token in the pool by seizing the burned amount of its current value.

  • Then he broadcasts a portable event for each token that has not achieved zero balance (i.e. is still in the pool).

  • Finally, the function re -updating the overall balance of the pool.

Function Test

To test the function of Burntokens', you can use tools like Remix or Ganache to interact with your smart contract. Here's an example:


Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Burnliquitypool {contract

// …

function of Burtokens (nint256 _amount) public {

demand (_amount> 0, “invalid amount of combustion”);

for (tokenaddress address in liquidity.keys ()) {) {

nint256 tokenbalance = liquidity [tokenddress];

if (! tokenbalance || tokenbalance> = _amount) interruption;

liquidity [tokenddress] -= _amount;

EMIT TRANSPORT (Tokenaddress, address (0), _amount);




// Use the contract

Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

Burnliquitypool {contract

// …


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