Solana: How to track the price or market cap of spl tokens?

Persecution of the price or market capitalization of Sola (Solana) token with Python

As a Bot based on Solana, you are probably interested in monitoring the main and market capitalization of SOL-TOKEN. In this article we will examine how to follow


  • You have set up an A -Solana node (e.g. Solana Mainet or Testnet) and created an account on Pumpfun.

  • You have installed the Pumpfun library (PIP Install Pumpfun).

Step 1: Create a new Python script

Create a new file with an extension of .py, e.g. This script will have the interactions with the Solana API.


Import OS

Import requists

by dotenv import_dotenv

Environmental variables from .ENV file load

Load_dotenv ()


"" "Get token data from Pumpfun" "" "


Headers = {

"Authorization": OS.GETENV ("pumpfun_api_token"),

"Contlen-Type": "Application/Json",


Response = Requests.Get (url, header = header)

return response.json ()


"" "" Market capitalization data for Solana Token "" "" "" ""


Headers = {

"Authorization": Os.GetenV ("pumpfun_api_token"),

"Contlen-Type": "Application/Json",


Response = Requests.Get (url, header = header)

return response.json ()

Def Main ():

token = input ("Enter the Sol -Token you want to follow:")

Data = get_token_data (token)

Received market capitalization data

market_cap_data = get_market_cap_data (token)

Print (f ”market capitalization: {Markt_cap_data ['Sotalsupply']}))

If __Name__ == "__Main__":


Step 2: Set up the Solana node environment

The production of the Solana node is carried out and accessible from your Yousthon script. You can do this by adding a surrounding variable from Solana to a file.


Pumpfun_api_token = your_api_token_here

Replant your_api_token_here with the actual API token from Pumpfun.

Step 3: Perform the script

Save the script and carry it out with Python. In this case, you would like to follow the SOL -TOKEN that you want to pursue.




This is the capitalization brand for the specified SOL -TOKEN.

Tips and variations:

  • To get the market stade of the market, update the URL in the function` Ett_token_Data () ‘function to refer to Solana.

  • Consider adding error handling and protocol to make your book script more robust.

  • You can add more function from this script as an Astart point and more function, as a token assignment or filtering.

By executing the steps that you have proven in Sucsfuully a Python script that follows the Pice and the market capitalization of the Sol token of the Pumpfun.

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