How To Create A Profitable Trading Strategy With RSI


The world of cryptocurrency trading in recent years One popular tool that can help dealers information

RSI, covering its basics, advantages and best practices for implementation.

What is the Relative Power Index (RSI)?

RSI is an indicator of momentum that the course of the recent prices changes to determine the overblown or overturned conditions. It is calculated as a ratio of differentences in shares’ prices in the same period. The result values ​​indicating more extreme prices movement.

How does RSI Work?

Here’s an example of how the RSI Indicator Works:



RSI Trading Strategy

Creating a testable trading strategy with RSI involves the use of this indicator to recognize the potential opportunities of buying and sales. Here’s a Detailed Guide:


  • Set your chart : use a technical analysis platform, such as traditionview, to create a chart with several time frames.

. RSI should be drawn on the same chart.



  • You go out the store :

RSI Trading Strategies

Here are some popular trading strategies involving the RSI Indicator:

  • Bollinger Band Straddle : use bollinger bands to generate a purchase and sale signal on the basis of RSI value above 80 or below 20.




  • Simplified trade decisions : RSI provides clear signals to buy and sell, reducing complexity of trading decisions.




Creating a testable trading strategy with RSI requires an understanding of the way this indicator functions as well as involved your overall trading plan. Tools and combining

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